The International Women’s Day Students Dialogue


By Kezia Koburungi

As one of the activities
organized to mark the International Women’s Day, the Youth
Link Initiative in partnership with the Kampala International University (KIU)
Students Guild Union held a
student’s dialogue to raise awareness
about any violence that young women and girls face may face in and around
Campus. Youth Link Initiative is a youth led and managed nonprofit
organization which was founded to empower youth to catalyze positive social
change individually and among their communities. The organization supports
youth by providing them with knowledge and skills about social issues which
impact social development.

The dialogue was intended to
inspire the University community to prevent and respond to violence
against women and girls at University. The event was held at the KIU Senate
board room and was attended by among others; the Deputy Vice Chancellor Finance
and Administration, Dr. Busingye D. Janice, Executive Director UGANET, Ms. Dora
Musinguzi, Executive Director Youth Link Initiative, Mr. Alex Kamukama, the KIU
Guild President, Mr. William Tulinawe and his Deputy, Ms. Mary Kabaikiriza.

the dialogue which attracted about 78 participants (59 female and 19 male),
students discussed ways of preventing gender based violence (GBV) within the
KIU Campus and its surroundings. They also developed a list of key issues that
hinder the effective programming and utilization of GBV prevention services in
Uganda as well as explored the 30 human rights as articulated in the UN
declaration on human rights.

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