Kezabu Trevaline (Miss KIU 2016-2017)

“Your life after campus depends on how you lived your life at campus.”

My name is Kezabu Trevaline (Miss KIU 2016-2017).  I graduated in November 2017 with a Bachelor in Economics and Statistics. Am currently working as a banking officer at DFCU Bank. In my own perspective, your life after campus depends on how you lived your life at the University; what you engaged in, the different activities you did, the positions you held and most importantly the contacts you made. All this will determine your life after Campus. It’s actually not easy, it needs focus and confidence. You have to stand out and prove what you are in order for people to believe in you because getting jobs out there requires determination and patience.

Canowila Timothy

“I used my educations to become a Director at Mara Concept.”

Canowila Timothy is my name.  I graduated in 2013 with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication. Life after Campus is not as smooth as most students may think, your expectations as a student are often far from the real truth  about life. It has a lot of struggles and challenges, but in many cases, you have to be patient in order to succeed. After University, I got to realize that in our Country, there are fewer opportunities to make money so I traveled to America for greener pastures. 

I used my educations to become a Director at Mara Concept; a music, film and photography company. 

Phionah Kyasimire

“Never take any opportunity for granted.”

My name is Phionah Kyasimire, class of 2017. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication. Life after campus is so different because you become self-centered in everything; parents or guardians may stop providing for you, so you got to struggle so hard to fit in the world. My advice is that you do any job that comes your way and never take any opportunity for granted. Gain extra skills to complement your degree. For instance, I did journalism, but I work in a bank, something entirely different from what I studied.

Joseph Sseruwooza

“I followed my dream of becoming a journalist and I am now a news anchor”

I am Joseph Sseruwooza and I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communication. Life after Campus is determined by the way you utilize any opportunity that comes your way.  I persisted with my studies because I had a dream to pursue; I used to pay my tuition and raised money through boda-boda riding; many students would underlook me and give me funny names, never the less, I focused on my studies. It was a tough time while at Campus and after Campus. But life is hard anyway, so I followed my dream and became a Journalist.  I am now a News Anchor. I thank God for my career which I enjoy and will develop to be one of the Country’s best News Anchors.

Najjuma Irene Lwanga

“I immediately got a job after my graduation.”

I am Najjuma Irene Lwanga with a Bachelor in Public Administration from the class of 2017. To me, life after compass sets you free from parents’ hands, implying you have to work hard and get to learn the world and its realities. Life after campus was easy because I immediately got a job after my graduation; I am working at the National Drug Authority.  Life is a smooth road when you have a job.

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